Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bringing it back. WISDOM WEDNESDAY! May be NSFW.

Courage wolf liked he last post so much he wanted in again

Seriously guys and by guys I mean the men. He's pissed. He's tired of guys being afraid of being rejected. I mean...he threatened.. threatening me to read it to you. *sigh* here we go

   Look here you little fucks! You are afraid of telling people you are dating that you are bisexual, pansexual, potsexual, omnisexual, novasexual or whatever you shit fucks are calling yourselves nowadays? Then you don't deserve to fuck much less breed! Afraid they are gonna jump you after school by the monkey bars? Bring a bat ans some lube so you can smack their shit up. It's hard? Did I just hear you whine that it's hard? NO SHIT IS HARD! ANYTHING WORTH DOING IS HARD! My uncircumcised wolf dick is hard and it's worth doing you spineless sack of shit! 
  You think you got it bad? People use to get arrested for having gay sex.A-FUCKING-RESTED! You would have been certifiable insane. Yes..your half & half ass wold have been in Arkham with The Joker and Two-Face!  Don't play the martyr in this society! Ain't no tissue for ya brah! No one is shedding a tear! "But but Courage wolf Kurt said on Glee “Bisexual is a term that gay guys in high school use when they want to hold hands with girls and feel like a normal person for a change."   Well so the shit what? On Buddy TV dot com That neck-bearded bastard John Kubicek  said

"But more importantly, I learned that Kurt and I have something in common: we both think male bisexuality is a myth. Blaine's very brief experimentation with kissing girls prompted Kurt to defensively respond that "Bisexual is a term that gay guys in high school use when they want to hold hands with girls and feel like a normal person for a change." And I completely agree. 

Blaine's actions in this episode were ridiculous and, if anything, a dangerous message to send to gay teens. According to Blaine, the only way to know for sure that you're gay is to kiss a girl and see what happens. This flies against everything Glee has ever stood for in terms of being true to yourself.

  So the shit what? You think life should be dictated by a bunch of fictional teenagers? Don't like it? Watch and support a better show!

If you don't want to watch that go make your own! Don't like view in the back of the bus? Walk Walk YOU BETTA WALK WALK


If you miss me at the back of the bus, and you can't find me nowhere. 
Come on up to the front of the bus, I'll be sittin' right there. 
I'll be sittin' right there, 
I'll be sittin' right there. 
Come on up to the front of the bus, 
I'll be sittin' right there. 
ill slap you right nowwwwww u little dog
If you miss me at the Mississippi River, and you can't find me nowhere. 
Come on over to the swimmin' pool, I'll be swimmin' over there. 
I'll be swimmin' over there, 
I'll be swimmin' over there. 
Come on over to the swimmin' pool, 
I'll be swimmin' over there. 

If you miss me at Jackson State, and you can't find me nowhere. 
Come on over to Old Miss, I'll be learnin' right there. 
I'll be learnin' right there, 
I'll be learnin' right there. 
Come on over to Old Miss, 
I'll be learnin' right there. 

If you miss me at the picket lines, and you can't find me nowhere. 
Come on down, to the jailhouse, I'll be roomin' over there. 
I'll be roomin' over there, 
I'll be roomin' over there. 
Come on down to the jailhouse, 
I'll be roomin' over there. 

If you miss me at the cotton fields, and you can't find me nowhere. 
Come on down to the court house, I'll be votin' right there. 
I'll be votin' right there, 
I'll be votin' right there. 
Come on down to the courthouse, 
I'll be votin' right there. 

If you miss me at the back of the bus, and you can't find me nowhere. 
Come on up to the front of the bus, I'll be sittin' up there. 
I'll be sittin' up there, 
I'll be sittin' up there. 
Come on up to the front of the bus, 
I'll be sitting' up there

So you wanna keep watching keep complaining that no one is gonna take you seriously, that no one is gonna accept you? Git from the back of the fucking bus and go walk proud!

Well, Tell us how you really feel, Courage Wolf! DAMN! 

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